How To Sleep Better During Pregnancy

Wed Mar 22, 2023

While you're pregnant, it feels nearly impossible to get a good night's sleep, and this is the main cause for worry. Your discomforts and belly will grow as your pregnancy goes, and your baby will start kicking even harder than before. This will make you feel the need to go to the toilet every 15 minutes. You could get annoyed and frustrated by this at times. In the final trimesters of pregnancy, frequent nighttime urine will make sleep difficult.

Pregnant women rarely have a good night's sleep and wake up feeling rested. You should get a decent night's sleep if possible. Your body and mind will be able to unwind thanks to this throughout this time. To learn the best sleeping positions and how to get a good night's sleep, read the complete blog.

Advice For Getting A Good Night Sleep

1) Stroll slowly

Even if you don't want to, you can still enhance blood circulation and lessen leg cramps at night by taking a moderate, comfortable stroll around your room. Avoid a strenuous workout. At least two hours before to going to bed, finish it.

2) Consume Plenty of Water

Water consumption during this time is encouraged because it is healthy for you, but drinking more during the day and less at night will reduce the amount of times you need to urinate at night.

3) Put Your Thoughts at Ease Before Sleep

While stress and anxiety are the main causes of the lack of sleep you and many other pregnant women experience, keep in mind that worrying will keep you up at night. If you're having problems, talk to your partner about them, or have a pregnant friend around who is willing to listen. If neither of these approaches relieves your stress or worry, try the garbh sanskar technique, which is a Vedic method.

4) Pay Attention To What You Eat

If you notice that your baby becomes more active after you eat something in particular, avoid eating that meal at night because doing so will keep your baby busy in the womb and prevent you from falling asleep.

Best Positions to Sleep When Pregnant

You cannot sleep in your preferred positions while pregnant. The health of your infant must come first. Which is why here are a few sleeping positions that will be comfortable for you.

1) Sleep On Your Left Side

During this time, sleeping on your left side is ideal because it's more comfortable for both you and your kid. When more blood flows to the placenta while you sleep in this posture, your baby will develop normally.

2) Back Sleep

If you sleep on your back, you may experience back pain, digestive issues, low blood pressure, and a reduction in the flow of blood to your baby's heart and body.

Because your baby starts developing quicker in the second and third trimesters, when your womb gets heavier, experts advise against trying to sleep in your preferred position comfortably while pregnant. Also, their movements disturb you as you sleep. You can fall asleep better if you listen to music, and studies show that pregnant women who listen to Garbh Sanskar music sleep 30% better overall.

Ashutosh Bhardwaj, DCH, PGDUS, PGPN
He is a Pediatrician and Neonatologist with passion of teaching on pregnancy diet and nutrition, scientific womb talk trainer, and baby brain development trainer.

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