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Thu Jun 23, 2022
Calcium is one of the most important minerals that you need in pregnancy - along with other vitamins, minerals, your baby receives it from your body to help develop vital structures such as the skeleton.
Calcium requirements vary with age, and too much or too little can lead to complications. So this is where we are going to help you learn as to how much calcium is needed, why it is important, and how you can make sure you get enough calcium during pregnancy.
Calcium is good for strengthening the bones and teeth of your baby, as well as boosting muscle, heart, and nerve development. Calcium is still vital for the health of your teeth and bones.
Your baby will need calcium if you don't get enough of it. This is especially true during the third trimester when bone development is at its peak. Your baby needs 250 to 350 mgs of calcium every day.
Insufficient calcium intake during pregnancy can make you more vulnerable to osteoporosis. This condition causes brittle bones. Although many women are able to recover their lost bone mass through breastfeeding and pregnancy, it is still important to get enough calcium during pregnancy.
Women require the same amount of calcium regardless of whether they are pregnant, nursing, or both. However, the amount of calcium that women require varies according to their age:
Women between 19 and 50: 1000 mg (mg) per day
Women 18 years and younger: 1300m a day
The most popular source of calcium is milk, which contains about a third your daily calcium needs in an 8-ounce glass. Plant milks are also great choices if they're calcium fortified.
You can disguise the white stuff in soups and smoothies if you don't like the idea of drinking it straight up. You can also experiment with other dairy sources such as yogurt, which you can eat straight out of the container or used in smoothies and toppings for fruits.
The strong mineral content of cheese is also present. You should make sure that the cheese you choose during pregnancy has been pasteurized. Enjoy a cheese-crusted mozzarella stick with whole grains crackers and Parmesan on pasta.
Here are some more calcium-rich foods that are the best for getting the most calcium in your bite or sip.
Plain low-fat yogurt
Plain whole-milk yogurt
Calcium-fortified orange juice
Part-skim mozzarella
Whole-milk mozzarella
Canned sardines with bone
Cheddar cheese
Skim milk
2 percent milk
Whole milk
Calcium-fortified Soy Milk
Low-fat buttermilk
Collard greens
Cottage cheese
But there is one thigh which is very important. You need to have vitamin D to process calcium. So make sure to eat plenty of vitamin D-rich foods like salmon, eggs, and tuna. You can also make vitamin D by sunlight exposure, so spend a few minutes every day in the sun (and don't forget the sunscreen!). can help boost your levels.
Ashutosh Bhardwaj, MBBS, DCH, PGDUS, PGPN
He is a Pediatrician and Neonatologist with passion of teaching on pregnancy diet and nutrition, scientific womb talk trainer, and baby brain development trainer.