What Are the Common Side Effects of Prenatal Vitamins?

Thu Jul 14, 2022

Many people who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant would do anything to improve their chances of having a healthy baby. In the action they start taking prenatal vitamins that are available as pills.

They are often recommended by healthcare providers for those who are pregnant or trying to conceive. These patients receive sufficient vitamins and minerals for pregnancy and postpartum.

Although supplements aren’t FDA-regulated and not standardised, prenatal vitamins often look similar to other vitamins, with more folic acid or iron.

Prenatal vitamins are able to bridge nutritional gaps and prevent premature births, as well as reduce the risk of having a baby with low birth weight or a small size due to their gestational age.

However, some symptoms such as constipation, nausea and bloating may also be caused by this. This is not confirmed. But there are some options that are available to reduce discomfort in situations where prenatal vitamins may be the problem.

So here are some common side effects of taking prenatal vitamins.

1) Constipation

Prenatal vitamins can also cause constipation, which is a common side effect in pregnancy. Dr. Valent says that iron supplements with vitamin C-containing citrus may improve absorption and possibly mitigate the problem.

2) Nausea

Prenatal vitamins can cause nausea when swallowed. She says that some pills can also have a triggering odour or are made with preservatives that may exacerbate the symptoms.

3) Bloating

While it is difficult to determine if bloating is due to pregnancy or prenatal vitamin intake, some pregnant women are sensitive to prenatal vitamins' omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic (DHA) and fish oil.

4) Gassiness

Gassiness is another possible side effect of DHA in fish oils. Dr. Valent suggests that this could be due to what you ate prior or in conjunction with your prenatal vitamins.

5) Allergic Reaction

If you experience nausea or stomach discomfort after taking prenatal supplements, it could be an indication that you are allergic to the product. Although it is rare for micronutrients to cause reactions, the problem could be a prenatal vitamin ingredient.

6) Dry or itchy skin

Vitamin A is found in fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk and sweet potatoes. Itchy, dry skin could indicate that you are getting too much vitamin A.

Care tips before using prenatal vitamins are

1) must be prescribed by your doctor
2) don’t buy on basis of attractive logos or lured of containing everything
3) Don’t use if amount of content is not described in ingredients section
4) most of herbal formulas and organic products should be used very cautiously as we don’t have any research about their true effects
5) check that vitamin A shouldn’t be more than 10000 IU in any capsule
6) stop prenatal vitamins as soon as you get pregnant and ask your doctor for further continuation

Ashutosh Bhardwaj, MBBS, DCH, PGDUS, PGPN
He is a Pediatrician and Neonatologist with passion of teaching on pregnancy diet and nutrition, scientific womb talk trainer, and baby brain development trainer.

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